Hey, it's me, Francie, again.....I am having a REALLY hard time not chasing these little furballs my humans call "kitties". I mean for goodness sakes I need someone to play with once in a while and Max & Athena really want to play to...at least it certainly seems that way to me. After all, Maximus & Athena are only 9 months old and they want to play as much as me. How do I know that...you ask? Well......Max comes up to me, bats me on the head and runs away. I am walking by and Max leaps on to my tail as I pass by. Of course when I see them I get into my ready, set, go position and as soon as I catch one of them, mom and dad are yelling "NO KITTIES". I say "Not Fair"
And it's not like I really bite them...just chew on them a little, they don't even squeal....they pretty quickly get away from me...... and it's not like they don't get in their licks too...I have yelped quite a few times when they land a claw in me, but do they ever get yelled at?.....never..."Not Fair".