Friday, July 30, 2010


Have you ever had someone take something that was yours away from you? Humans try it with me ALL the time. I take my possesions seriously...I mean if it is MY's MINE. I have had several...and I do mean several stuffed animals that are just the greatest to play with. I guess I kinda play with them 'to death'. If I have one available, I am usually carrying it around with me. The problem is they don't seem too last long. For that reason I have had many many toys, and all of them have been sooo much fun! My biggest problem is if I am left with a toy by myself, I kinda forget what I am doing and simply use them as dental floss. Feels so good to just chew and chew and chew...when mom or dad or my boy comes home they find a pile of material having very little resemblance to my toy. Even if I have left the evidence outsisde, all they have to do is look at me and my face gives me boy says he has never seen a dog cry, but that is what I look like I'm doing without the tears.

When I do have a current toy, I have lots of different games to play. Keep Away has been one of my favorites, or another version I like is "Just Try to Take It Away From ME!" idea of Tug a War. I have been known to drag my mom all over the house..hah, I am soo much stronger than her boy...not so much, he is the one dragging ME all over.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Ok, so I'm nearly 21 months old now...I know, I know it's been forever, but my mom, who I dictate this blog to, was kind of focused on my human sister's, Kellie, wedding this past year. But now that she is happily married, (I hear it was an absolutely beautiful and perfect wedding...I wouldn't really know since they wouldn't let me attend..hmmmph!, I am hoping we can get this blog back on track...We'll see

As you can see, I'm am still hangin' out with my 'boy'